Amsterdam to Giethoorn

How are we getting from Amsterdam to Giethoorn is a frequently asked question in our mailbox. Therefore, we created this page. In other words, we want to help you on your way to Giethoorn village in a country that is foreign to you.

Getting from Amsterdam to Giethoorn?

These are the options:

Public transport

The travel by train takes between 2/2.5 hours for a one-way ticket and costs about €25 per person. It is sometimes possible to buy a one-way ticket for approximately €15 per person in the low season.


To Giethoorn from Amsterdam is 120 km. The expected travel time is around 1 hour and 25 minutes. Most of the parking lots in Giethoorn are free of charge.  Find a free parking here.

Private tour / taxi

The travel takes around 1 hour and 25 minutes and costs around €300/€400 for 8 people based on a return. Included airconditioned transport. A boat cruise with a private guide is optional.

Bus tour

The travel takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes and costs around €90 per person based on a return. The tour often includes a lunch and a boat trip in Giethoorn. Included airconditioned transport.

Visitor statistics

Walking in GIethoorn
Average day in Giethoorn

Research conducted by us in 2019 showed that an estimated 19% of the visitors to Giethoorn village were still in Amsterdam the day before they visited Giethoorn. More than 8 out of 10 times, this group of tourists also had Amsterdam as a base for an average stay of 2.5 days. So, based on a minimum of 1 million visitors which Giethoorn village had in 2019, 190.000 of them had to know their way to Giethoorn village from Amsterdam. Secondly, the fact that we received almost 1000 emails in 2019 about how to get to Giethoorn from Amsterdam. Therefore, we decided to dedicate a page to this topic.

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